Monday, March 4, 2013

About Me and About This Blog

Clearly this is not me.  But I like this guy.  This guy was smart.  He was a progressive.  He should have been president.  Hi, my name is Stanley Dogood, if my name sounds fake, it is.  This is my rant blog.  I work from home and my only companion is my dog.  So I don't have anyone to vent to.   I love watching news and I consider myself a political junkie.  This blog will be an assortment of things.  I will post some short stories, poetry.  I will do some math and investigations as well as make predictions.  I do this because I need something to do and I love to write.  I come from a long line of writers and would love to get paid to do it.  

My Views

I consider myself left of center.  I voted for Barak.  I do not think he is perfect, I wish he did not use corporate money for his campaign, but he has the people on his mind.  He actually cares.  Calling him a socialist is stupid and juvenile.  He is not a socialist, he is just catching this country up to the rest of the world.  He is actually following the constitution.  All people are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Obamacare gives everyone the opportunity for life.  Not letting the oppressive GOP change voting laws gives up liberty and allowing gays to marriage is pursuit of happiness.   I think we should be pro-choice, because its in the name, choice.  I have worked with kids for seven years and I can tell you, the one thing you cannot pick is your parents.  There are some shitty people out there that have kids, that should not have kids.  Have you ever watch Maury?   I am against the drug war, I think all drugs should be regulated.  I know what you are thinking, "oh kids are going to go out and shoot up heroin", No, it is human nature to do something you are told not to do.  We can do a quick example ready?  Don't Think about a Pink Elephant!  Want to get something done, tell someone not to do it.  Like they told Blacks not to vote.  I think our politicians are over paid and should be making minimum wage.  
I think we should have reform of entitlements.  I think there should be drug testing for welfare recipients.  I also think they need to limit where you can spend that money. I have seem people on welfare spend all of them money on drugs and lotto tickets.  I am sorry, my hard earned money is not going to that shit.  I smoke pot, but I earn my money to pay for it.  I also think all people getting food stamps need shopping and nutrition lessons.  I see people blowing a whole weeks food stamps on one meal.  No, the amount you make you should be spacing that out over a month.  
Gun control.  I think this shit going out there that Obama is getting rid of our guns is scare tactics of the extreme rights.  First of all, the second amendment has nothing to do with types of guns or ammunition clips. All it says is about having a armed militia.  Don't believe me click here     if someone is saying Obama is taking their gun, laugh in their face, because it is not true.  We need universal background checks.  That's a no brainer.
Taxes.  Of course you need to raise taxes to pay of the debt, duh.  If you own a business, do you not charge people for your product?  Its a stupid argument that having no taxes spur economic growth.  There is no evidence to support it.  Its the people at the top of the economic food chain that do not want to pay their taxes.  Why?  I don't know.  But to pay off this debt that Bush gave us, you need to raise taxes.     

Religion is shit.  I think Christianity, Judaism and Islam is crap.  They speak of non-violence,but people who follow these religions are among the most violent.  I don't need a book to tell me morals, I had great parents.  I believe we had someone create the universe just not our earth. If there was a god looking over us, then the Catholic church would be fucked.   

That is all I have now. Its a rambling but I warned you.  More to come, comment below.    

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